Friday, October 20, 2006

Chapter 5: who are you? get a personality

1.)Media applications have distinct characteristics that combine to form a web site's personality. This personality is important because it responsible for the initial reaction of the viewer.

2.) A site's personality is defined by the designer's color choices, type choices, and images.

3.) A site has a personality even if it was not the designer's intent to create one.

4.) A professional site design has the ability to sell the product endorsed without having to textually convince the audience of its worth.

5.) Once the target audience is defined, the designer must then create the site's personality based on what they would like to see and what will invoke them to return.

6.) A unique site personality is one of the most important aspects of its creation. A unique design will help the page stand out against the millions of others on the web.

7.) The audience's first impression is very important because it is when they decide if they want to look further or go somewhere else. The design must invite and engage the viewer.

8.) Colors elicit certain reactions and are important when defining a site's personality.

9.) When deciding on color combinations, it is important to choose one main color as the dominant color for the page. There should not be colors "competing" for attention because it will distract from the main focus of the page.

10.) Typefaces can describe the mood of the page whether it be aggressive, with bold letters or mellow with smooth characters.

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