Thursday, September 21, 2006

Chaper 1

-The word "language" is not a term used literally when referring to the web. A web page's "language" is not only the textual information it holds but how the entire layout of a page "speaks" to its viewer. This is based on the organziation of the page and if it effectively communations the information it holds.

-To effectively communicate the overall message of a site, it is important to know the target audience of the site and base the organization and design on the users interests.

-To make the best site possible for a client, a design must fully understand the "message" of the company or organization. This is done by extensive research of the company and what their main goals are.

-A good web page is created through a designer's full understanding of a company and who their target audience is.

-Once the design has a complete understanding of the company and it's audience it will make the site's overall goal more clear and presented more efficiently.

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