Thursday, September 14, 2006

Justin LeBlanc: Mockup Page

1 comment:

Justin said...

1. This captures two important parts of my personality. I absolutely love being outdoors and that is represented by the pseudo abstract wooded background and also by the two branches to either side of my name. My favorite kind of music to listen to is hip hop and at the center of the page are images of my two favorite lyricists, Talib Kweli and Mos Def.

2. The three colors used on the page create a nice balance. They are also representative of nature.

3. The negative space could be put to better use. For me, the background is a little too strong and takes away from the more important information.

4. There is only one piece of text on the page but I really like the font choice there. It fits well with the content and has a bit of that hip-hop feel.

5. I like the layout and I think all of the elements work well together. As I said, the background may be toned down a bit. As is, I see more of a print design than a webpage but I can definitely see how it could easily be developed into a website.